On Monday I am going into
Egli to sit down with Denis to start our next project developing a rosette mounted follow focus based on the sphere, for now let's call it the Focus Sphere. I put this together out of a box of spare parts, including an old scuba housing, so do not be thrown by the cheapness in the end we will be using high quality machined components. Also we will have to integrate a way to slide the Focus Sphere in and out from the lens barrel. The way we work is I get the idea down by modeling and Denis brings his CAD, engineering and machine expertise to the table making the design an elegant thing of beauty. This is belt driven as you can see but, in the end we will be releasing it with gears though the belt may be a option. This post also gives another look at how you can use the
Flyweight the Focus Sphere makes the chest cam configuration rock, and the low mo feels great. I would really like some comments as to what you think and what you are looking for, now is the time, so go for it. Also if you purchase a
Sphere or
Grip Package (non clearance items only) between now and the time we release the Focus Sphere you will receive a $65.00 credit toward the cost of the Focus Sphere.