Saturday, November 28, 2015


SPECIAL SECRET SALE - Write me, and tell me what you are interested in.
I will build you a personalized discounted quote. 
email me -

Monday, November 16, 2015

HHFF-an Erector Set for adults

The HHFF is an Erector Set for adults. It can be endlessly configured to meet your direct drive needs.  The systems uses standard 15mm traded rods and standard D-Rod.  You can get the D-Rod from Servocity plus a lot of other cool stuff.  The mounting plate will attach to either side of the gear box allow you to orient the drive shaft in any direction.  We offer two different size swing-away arms and many different size drive wheels, with which you can gear up or down.

Special thanks to my brother Hayden and his band Skirts for the music.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

2T Sphere

This is the 2T Sphere as it would ship, with tennis ball size black walnut spheres (2 5/8") on either side lovingly sanded and oiled with a all natural beeswax and linseed oil finish.


The 2 Triggered Sphere (2T Sphere) and Handheld Follow Focus (HHFF)

I have just finished a sphere with two triggers which is for the Cameo cable.  This LANC cable lets you stop/start the camera and trigger F4 in Canon, Sony and JVC.  With the F4 function you can trigger any assignable menu item you desire, most will go for the digital loop.

The sphere it self is larger than the average sphere we produce, the 2T Sphere come in at 2 5/8" in diameter roughly the size of a tennis ball where our normal sphere measures 2 3/8" close to the diameter of a pool ball.  This sphere will ship with a Arri Style rosette the one in the photos is stainless steel I am waiting on a order of my normal black aluminum rosettes.  The spheres can ship with either, your choice.

I addition I would like to reintroduce the Handheld Follow Focus a rig designed to allow your hand to be where it wants to be and the drive gear to be where it needs to be.  This is the long arm on the rig, I also have short arm but since I am using the dog bones I needed to span a lot of distance.

I am going to start shipping the HHFF in limited numbers if you interested let me know,  The price for these early HHFF's will be in the $500 range depending on how it is configured.