Saturday, October 6, 2012

the Lion travels

Jon Yi sent me Intel's Ultrabook "Steven Taylor in Paris" spot and was kind enough to give some positive feedback. Also some great photos showing the Lion in the field.

Intel Ultrabook "Steven Taylor in Paris" Director's Cut from Jonathan Yi on Vimeo.

Jon writes - 
"The Lion really saved my butt in Miami actually since we were shooing nonstop for so long. 

I used the Lion in Paris mostly in the alleyway

as well as some scenes on the mountaintop.

Those shots are way steadier than the others as a result."

Friday, October 5, 2012

Toby Angwin's BWG package & the 15/15 2X sphere package

We just shipped Toby Angwin his ergocine BWG Package.  I had a chance to take some pictures before it went out the door.


Here is a new cost effective configuration - 15/15 2X Sphere Package